Thursday 13 June 2013

the big blue box part one (the box)

Being something of a magpie/miniaturist/Whovian, it occurred to me one day that it would be heaps of fun to make a bunch of miniature items from Doctor Who.
But the problem with that is always the same one -- what do you do with the items?
I needed a display case.
And what better way to display Who stuff than in a TARDIS????

Except (and here is where the wheels fell off my plan) I don't own a TARDIS.
So I made a shelf that looks a bit like a TARDIS (if you squint your eyes mostly shut in a darkened room), and here it is:

Alright, admittedly, it doesn't look so TARDISy just yet.
It's actually an old shadow box, which my daughter had had in her room.
She was happy to donate it, once she realised what it was for. (proud Who parenting moment, right there.)

I pulled it apart, and glued it back together, sanded it, filled the joiny-togethery slots, and prepped it.

That's better, yeah?

Then I went to Bunnings (an Aussie hardware store) and bought blue paint. But not any old blue. I had to pick something fairly close to the TARDIS colour, and I went with Dulux Passionate Blue.

Three coats, and we were in business.

I still need to add a glass door to the front, but I may need to have that done professionally.
And I need some kind of stand for it as the base is too narrow for it's height. It threatens to topple very easily.

Next up -- the collection!

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